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Missing teeth can significantly impact your quality of life, making it difficult to speak, eat, and smile confidently. While there are several options for tooth replacement, dental implants are widely considered the gold standard. Unlike other methods, dental implants replace the visible portion of the tooth (the crown) and the root structure, providing a firm and stable foundation for the restoration.

The process of getting a single dental implant typically involves surgically placing a small titanium screw into the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. Over time, the implant fuses with the surrounding bone tissue, creating a stable base for a prosthetic crown or bridge. This not only restores the appearance of your smile but also allows you to eat and speak easily.

In the past, dental implants were typically used to replace missing teeth on a one-to-one basis. However, advances in implant technology now allow for more extensive restorations, such as the All-On-Four technique, which can replace a full arch of missing teeth with just four implants. Ultimately, dental implants offer a long-lasting and natural-looking solution for missing teeth that can significantly improve your quality of life.

Full-Mouth Teeth Replacement with All-On-Four

Full-mouth teeth replacement can be life-changing for those with extensive tooth loss. While traditional implant procedures can require numerous implants and multiple appointments, the All-On-Four technique has revolutionized the process by utilizing as few as four dental implants per arch to create a stable foundation for a full set of teeth.

During the procedure, four implants are strategically placed in the upper or lower arch to provide the primary support for a permanent denture. The precise placement of the implants is critical to ensuring a stable restoration.

Reasons You Need All-On-Four Implants:

  • You are missing entire arches of teeth
  • You have advanced periodontal disease or decay
  • You have poorly fitting dentures or bridges that cause discomfort
  • You desire a permanent, stable solution for tooth replacement
  • You want to restore your ability to eat and speak with confidence
  • You want a natural-looking smile that enhances your appearance
  • You want to save time and money compared to other tooth replacement options

Benefits of All-On-Four Implants:

  • Provides a long-lasting, permanent solution for tooth replacement
  • Offers a natural-looking and functional smile
  • Requires fewer implants compared to traditional implant methods
  • Offers a more efficient and convenient process for tooth replacement
  • Offers a quicker recovery time with reduced postoperative discomfort
  • Prevents bone loss and preserves the jawbone structure
  • Improves overall dental health by reducing the risk of future tooth loss

Your Complete All-On-Four Implants Journey

At Davinci Smiles, we provide a comprehensive and personalized journey for our patients seeking All-On-Four implants. Our team will guide you through each process step, from initial consultation to final restoration. Here’s what you can expect:


Our dentist will thoroughly evaluate your oral health and discuss your treatment goals and options to curate a treatment plan and determine your candidacy.


Dr. Kherani will design a personalized treatment plan and select the optimal implant locations using advanced technology, including 3D imaging, to ensure optimal results.

Implant Placement:

The four implants will be carefully placed into the jawbone using a minimally invasive procedure. The location of the implants will be strategically chosen.

Final Restoration:

Once the implants have fully fused with the jawbone, which can take a few months, we attach permanent replacement teeth customized to match your natural teeth.

All-On-Four Implants vs. Complete Dentures

All-On-Four implants are a popular alternative to complete dentures for those seeking full-mouth tooth replacement. Unlike dentures, which can slip or shift in the mouth, All-On-Four implants provide a permanent, stable solution for tooth replacement. They also offer superior comfort and functionality compared to traditional dentures. While dentures may require frequent adjustments and replacement, All-On-Four implants can last a lifetime. Additionally, All-On-Four implants help to preserve the underlying bone structure, while dentures can lead to bone loss over time.

Schedule Your Consultation

At Davinci Smiles, our team is committed to providing exceptional, patient-focused dental care. Led by Dr. Sholina Kherani, our dental clinic in Edmonton offers personalized, long-term dentistry that supports patients through every stage of life. We create individualized treatment plans for each patient’s unique needs and goals. If you’re considering All-On-Four implants or other dental treatments, we invite you to schedule a consultation today.

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